Preparing for a
kitten or puppy

Bringing home a new pet is an exciting time but it is important that your home is fully prepared and that you ask all the relevant information from the breeder or previous owners so that you are ready to take care of them.
Puppies and kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother, at around 8-10 weeks. Leaving the litter can be very unsettling, to help the transition you can do the following:​
Bring home a blanket with their mothers smell on
Making them a quiet and cosy bed
Using pheromone sprays and diffusers
Keeping their food consistent as before
What to ask​
It is important to have as much information as possible before you bring your pet home.
The microchip details
Vaccination details (date and type of vaccine)
Current diet
Flea and worming status (date and type of product used)
If there are any known health issues
Bringing them home for the first time
As of 2016 it is now a legal requirement that all dogs must be microchipped by 8 weeks of age. Microchipping helps to reunite any lost pets with their family and with the increasing number of pet theft microchipping is vital.
To have your pet microchipped with us costs £16.
To change any details on your pets microchip you will need to contact the chip company. You can find the contact details on your microchipping paperwork. If you are unsure of your pets microchip number you can pop into the practice so we can scan your pet and get you the contact details.